Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thanksgiving is almost here...totally impatient!!
16 more days til that beautiful day
But i was hoping is there anyone who knows what i shud make this year
i got the
mash potatoes
macaroni and cheese
asparagus and corn (veggies)
pumpkin pie
pecan pie
peach cobbler
cinnamon glazed almonds
toffee peanuts
anyone have suggestions??
You've Just Been Tagged!
The Rules Go As Follows:
1. Link to the person who tagged you :
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
1. Link to the person who tagged you : The ever so eloquent and tre chic' J'Adore Fashionista
2. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
-I am allergic to cockaroaches! (which i dont mind...they are absolutely horrid)
- I am an August baby and a full bred Nigerian (though i was born here) but i hate hot weather.
- I am obsessed with Chocolate (one of my personal indulgences would be the Symphony Bar)
-My uncle is the chief-in-editor of this high posh magazine called aRUDE....
- I am a fan of spoken word (def poetry) and i totally love graffiti
3. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
The Circle
L. Alexandra
Chronicles of Gorgeous Lynette
Crazy Asian Gal
Lover's Popcorn- Food for the Mind
Thanks for tagging me J'Adore, xoxo Ciao Bella
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Update: A New Beginning
Well its been a long time since i updated the blog. Happy November everyone! Life has been a bit crazy last time i blogged. Issues at home and at school. But im am just taking it one day at a time. But the best part of this coming November has to be November 4th. To say i was glued to the tv would be an understatement. Barack Obama is the best choice. This is history in the making...we need to update our textbooks. I've heard a bunch of smack about how he won just because he was black but really i think its more than that. Some feel that it was ignorant african americans who voted for him and that they only voted for him cause he was black but mind you thats just like any republican state that voted for mccain just because he isnt black. Honestly ive said time and time again that yes this election was by far the most popular because we had a first black nominee and a female vice president nominee but because he was so called black...i think it opened the eyes of many, whether black or white...whether young or old. No matter what race it brought attention world wide and made it known that it is very important to vote, your vote does count. Yes it was hyped but i believed it was just hyped in the beginning but once people started to see how calm and collected Obama was compared to the not thinking before you speak Palin people got this reassuring calm feeling from the democratic party. honestly to me When ever Barack Obama spoke to the people, he had this determination that you could truly feel and see he was passionate about wanting to help people. Some say the whole Change motto is just another slogan to put on a shirt along with Obama's face...it may be but i dont think barack felt that way at all. I think he truly wanted a change. I think he wants a future where America can bring back there troops make world peace and still be known as the great nation of before. The speech itself was fantastic. It was captivating beyond anything, i mean it was fantastic. In the beginning of this whole campaign it was like "oh a black guy is running....please!" then towards the middle it just didnt matter anymore it was more of "he wants national healthcare he really wants change" the only reason it was brought up again was because now its like wow for the first time ever we have an african american president. Its historic and its amazing and its not just cuz "he was black" Not only did he spark interest in young voters and the african american community in voting but he also made it possible for anyone to do anything they believe they can do. Yes he might not have experience like McCain but his determination to really want to do something is soo strong thats it hard not to notice what he says when he opens his mouth. I respect McCain so much and i think he would have been a great president but there were just to many things that brought him down:
1. bush reference- because we have fallen under the leadership of bush...to hate a republican isnt at all hard and i guess ppl were tired of having a republican running for president
2. sarah palin- i dont want to say the woman is dumb but for heaven's sake she is unqualified. She isnt articulate she is a hypocrite and she doesnt at all have any experience in nation politics. The woman doesnt know much about America and how she can change it. so why tell the girl she can lead it? Honestly McCain wanted Hilary Clinton supporters and elected a woman...at first i was proud but it seems he really just took some woman who seems like she would generate press and put her as vice president. But he forget to check for some good wholesome smart credentials.....
3. the wealthy- republicans have always had an emphasis on levying taxes on the poor while the wealthy stay ok. And to me that just doesnt make sense....if more than half of the UNited States of America is in middle class.....how is that helping us (we have to pay more taxes compared to the wealthier class) American is not only made up of the middle class but we also support it as well....it still fazes me how we managaed to elect Bush twice.....TWICE!?!?!??
What i think Obama should do is bring McCain into the white house
along with colin powell (who left the bush adminstration because he was tired of Bush's control of America, Biden, Oprah (i kid! lol)...etc
make up a real good cabinet and white house staff
the only thing that worries me is that
because he was so praised on the one who is going to make change
he now has to live up to the task
and right now our economy isnt going to fix itself
in 3 days....we are talking bout a year or two
and i would hate for him to be blamed for the rest of
the misfortune
because lets face it...he bears a big responsibility and he has
to live up to the task
BUt i kno he can do it! Obama passionately cares for America and
now that he is going to be president he will defintely lead us to
the future and towards true democracy and a peaceful and powerful nation
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