Tuesday, January 13, 2009


let me tell you the defintion of such a horrid word

Fudge! I Never Actually Learned Sh!t lol

finals week is here and im am bombarded with studying
gonna take the history final tomorrow
once that is over 2 down and like 5 more to go
its horrendous really but unfortunately to be at the top
you not only have to have style, attitude and grace
but book smarts as well. Ugh for the love of all things cheesy!
apparently im going through some complicated girly drama

alrite lemme tell yo wha happin! lmao
but seriously

i will change their names for privacy purposes lol
Lela and Marie and Joshua

Well me and Lela have been trying to hook up
our friend Marie with Lela's longtime friend Joshua.
Now at first it was successful because he liked her and she liked him
and they were talking ...AIMing all the sha-bang bang!
but he ends up getting a girl
his story is that apparently he was flirting with this other chick
before Marie so the chick finally asked him out and he said yes cuz he likes her too
so yea...now to the main story

me and lela still havent given up on matchmaking them together
so Lela decides to call him, to hang with us after school
which is alrite by me, cuz they need to get with each other
she is sweet beautiful and smart and he is (from what i heard) smart
funny and he's cute (cuz he is not gonna lie)

Well when he comes we all hang out. he starts talking with me (not that type of talking) and making fun of me and my voice lol (long story) and in return i make fun of his laugh (longer story). you know? just all good fun! like nothing at all but people poking fun at one another. Apparently i turn to my left and see Lela and Marie and this other chick (not important) huddled in a circle talking. Now my first reaction is whatever its not important......UNTIL they stare at me. So i get slightly upset because they are my friends, talking bout me and not being discreet! im mean really! if your gonna talk bout me..be discreet lol. Anyway, so later on at home i IM Marie and ask her whats its all bout. apparently i was "flirting ODee" with the guy. Now im a friendly person...but not friendly as flirtacious. I am always usually smiling and laughing thats how i am. No flirting at all. i dont even think im capable of that. lol regardless if i try. Well she says she just let it go and ignored it because apparently its my "nature" and he has a girlfriend. Now this is where i get mad. Its not my nature to flirt and i would NEVER NEVER NEVER flirt with a guy my friend likes. Thats just horrible and petty. Im trying to hook her up with someone...why would i go and turn around and flirt with him! thats just ridiculous. If thats what other girls do then ..thats sad but i dont do that. =/ but that really hurt me because even though we are all close. Im closer to Marie than Lela because we tell each other everything and Lela sort of has this love hate relationship with me. Which i dont condone cuz ive never done anything wrong to her but what can i do? so i would love to know from all of you....who is in the wrong? Because honestly to say bluntly its my nature........my nature, are you kidding me. My nature thats like saying oh i expected you'd cheat on him with another guy, its your nature. Im not sure if it was out of bitterness or anger or deep down resentment (soemthing she has always thought i was) but that hurt and this isnt the first time it has happened. Even with another guy who i was friends with before i even knew she liked him. She didnt speak to me for a week and when i finally asked her after how many times why she was upset she told me cuz she thought i was flirting with him......seriously! ugh! i would never do that to a friend. I love her so much and to hurt her would hurt me! i would never want her to do that to me...why wud i do that. thats like equivalent to stabbing your best friend in the back.

So please tell me:
do i have a right to be angry?
am i at fault?
what should i do?
advice is very much appreciated

thank you and god bless
Ciao Bella

PS back to studying i go! lol


Gorgeous Lynette said...

you should leave both chicks alone. Apparently Lela and Marie are ODee jealous and shit. You dont need that in your life & good luck mamas. if you need further help hit me up on aim.

Andrina said...

I personally agree with Gorgeous Lyn...I just wasnt going to suggest that 1st...

Thats jealousy, babygirl.
If they're REALLY your friends then they should KNOW that "flirting" with another chicks man is NOT your style.

That shouldnt even be a question or discussion about that...if they are your REAL friends.

My Words Of Wisdom[take them however you would like]
-as you grow, you should know people are put into your life for a reason & the ONLY ppl you NEED in your life-are the ones you NEED you in theirs

Think about it though...you can never be real friends with someone who is jealous of you. it just wont work that way..

Anyways, I LOVE your blog 2 & thx for the love...

Jadore-Fashion said...

hey dear, I agree with both earlier post, I think they are just jealous.If they are really your friends, they should know better and not assume stuff about you. You don't need people like that in your life since this is a constant behavior. Take a step back from such situations with them. anyways, GOOD LUCK with your exams sweety!!!

Fashion_Gurl said...

yea leave both of them alone just jelousy isnt wat ppl neeed to deal with..i like ur blog ill follow follow mines???