Monday, October 20, 2008

Thank You

I truly appreciate the few comments i get. Honestly i dont expect ppl to visit this blog or read it for that matter. But thanks anyway. And thank you for the 1 follower i have lol. The Gorgeous Lynette =]

1 comment:

Susanna-Cole King said...

Well I've only commented once (or twice counting this one), but you're welcome! I really like commenting and talking with other bloggers! :)

And thanks for your comment, I agree wholeheartedly, sadly ignorance is a major issue in an election like this. Everyone as an indivdual should start with an objective view, research and find out what each canidate stands for, and etc... and THEN decide who they would vote for. Too many people jump to conclusions or vote according to their friends or family.

And oh well I'd re-post that super long comment, since you really wanted to see it after al, but I didn't save it, oops! Sorry :(
