Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hating Truly Doesnt Make You Famous

It has come to my attention on The Circle blog that the past picture
of Amanda (member of Bella Browne)was posted on some gossip website and since
then has been some horrendous scandal and people are making it a bid deal. Now im not sure why it concerns other people but let it be known and reminded that what ever a person does in their personal life should not at all concern anyone else. Those nasty rude comments, clearly shows that some people have no lives and see to it that they put down others for their own amusement. Thankfully, Amanda's friends and family have supported her and has called attention to those "haters" to be put into their place. And this got me thinking...what is a hater?

Urban Dictionary defines it as a person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person. Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesnt really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock somelse down a notch.

And it made me think sometimes hating doesnt neccessarily mean your jealous. That is a fact however it does mean you are stupid sometimes heartless and overall insensitive to someone's feelings. Honestly if people can go around posting pictures of people caught in compromising positions whether jokes or personal matters then have you really no shame? It was done as a joke among friends im sure when she was young. To say you have never done something stupid like that and posted it on your facebook or myspace or god knows where else is an absolute lie. She isnt a bad role model you know. On the contraire, in fact she is a good humble girl (i personally dont know her but from what i see and what her friends and family say of her im sure im right) and the picture was meaningless. Leave her be. Keep on "hating" if it allows you to sleep at night but your only giving her more attention then degrading her and you are still considered unknown. So they are not that famous yet. But tell me are you even close to being known. Most likely and i strongly agree: NOT!. Please why dont you go and study or do something more useful with your life but thank heavens she has....

then again ignore me and go find some more incriminating photos...doesnt make you famous but hey! if you sleep better at night then sure why not post away.

Monday, December 22, 2008

IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!

Im Back
Been through alot
and ugh what can i say
im still here
and i thank my personal
lord and saviour
for all that he has done for me
and pray that i will get
through it all =]

be back later for some venting

PS: feels good to be back

Monday, December 1, 2008

Its Over...

Done with
Got Bored
So Left
Now its Over

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Thanksgiving is almost here...totally impatient!!

16 more days til that beautiful day

But i was hoping is there anyone who knows what i shud make this year

i got the

mash potatoes
macaroni and cheese
asparagus and corn (veggies)
pumpkin pie
pecan pie
peach cobbler
cinnamon glazed almonds
toffee peanuts

anyone have suggestions??

You've Just Been Tagged!

The Rules Go As Follows:

1. Link to the person who tagged you :

2. Post the rules on your blog

3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself

4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs

5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

1. Link to the person who tagged you : The ever so eloquent and tre chic' J'Adore Fashionista

2. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
-I am allergic to cockaroaches! (which i dont mind...they are absolutely horrid)

- I am an August baby and a full bred Nigerian (though i was born here) but i hate hot weather.

- I am obsessed with Chocolate (one of my personal indulgences would be the Symphony Bar)

-My uncle is the chief-in-editor of this high posh magazine called aRUDE....


- I am a fan of spoken word (def poetry) and i totally love graffiti

3. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
The Circle
L. Alexandra
Chronicles of Gorgeous Lynette
Crazy Asian Gal
Lover's Popcorn- Food for the Mind

Thanks for tagging me J'Adore, xoxo Ciao Bella

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Update: A New Beginning

Well its been a long time since i updated the blog. Happy November everyone! Life has been a bit crazy last time i blogged. Issues at home and at school. But im am just taking it one day at a time. But the best part of this coming November has to be November 4th. To say i was glued to the tv would be an understatement. Barack Obama is the best choice. This is history in the making...we need to update our textbooks. I've heard a bunch of smack about how he won just because he was black but really i think its more than that. Some feel that it was ignorant african americans who voted for him and that they only voted for him cause he was black but mind you thats just like any republican state that voted for mccain just because he isnt black. Honestly ive said time and time again that yes this election was by far the most popular because we had a first black nominee and a female vice president nominee but because he was so called black...i think it opened the eyes of many, whether black or white...whether young or old. No matter what race it brought attention world wide and made it known that it is very important to vote, your vote does count. Yes it was hyped but i believed it was just hyped in the beginning but once people started to see how calm and collected Obama was compared to the not thinking before you speak Palin people got this reassuring calm feeling from the democratic party. honestly to me When ever Barack Obama spoke to the people, he had this determination that you could truly feel and see he was passionate about wanting to help people. Some say the whole Change motto is just another slogan to put on a shirt along with Obama's face...it may be but i dont think barack felt that way at all. I think he truly wanted a change. I think he wants a future where America can bring back there troops make world peace and still be known as the great nation of before. The speech itself was fantastic. It was captivating beyond anything, i mean it was fantastic. In the beginning of this whole campaign it was like "oh a black guy is running....please!" then towards the middle it just didnt matter anymore it was more of "he wants national healthcare he really wants change" the only reason it was brought up again was because now its like wow for the first time ever we have an african american president. Its historic and its amazing and its not just cuz "he was black" Not only did he spark interest in young voters and the african american community in voting but he also made it possible for anyone to do anything they believe they can do. Yes he might not have experience like McCain but his determination to really want to do something is soo strong thats it hard not to notice what he says when he opens his mouth. I respect McCain so much and i think he would have been a great president but there were just to many things that brought him down:

1. bush reference- because we have fallen under the leadership of bush...to hate a republican isnt at all hard and i guess ppl were tired of having a republican running for president

2. sarah palin- i dont want to say the woman is dumb but for heaven's sake she is unqualified. She isnt articulate she is a hypocrite and she doesnt at all have any experience in nation politics. The woman doesnt know much about America and how she can change it. so why tell the girl she can lead it? Honestly McCain wanted Hilary Clinton supporters and elected a woman...at first i was proud but it seems he really just took some woman who seems like she would generate press and put her as vice president. But he forget to check for some good wholesome smart credentials.....

3. the wealthy- republicans have always had an emphasis on levying taxes on the poor while the wealthy stay ok. And to me that just doesnt make sense....if more than half of the UNited States of America is in middle class.....how is that helping us (we have to pay more taxes compared to the wealthier class) American is not only made up of the middle class but we also support it as well....it still fazes me how we managaed to elect Bush twice.....TWICE!?!?!??

What i think Obama should do is bring McCain into the white house
along with colin powell (who left the bush adminstration because he was tired of Bush's control of America, Biden, Oprah (i kid! lol)...etc

make up a real good cabinet and white house staff

the only thing that worries me is that
because he was so praised on the one who is going to make change
he now has to live up to the task
and right now our economy isnt going to fix itself
in 3 days....we are talking bout a year or two
and i would hate for him to be blamed for the rest of
the misfortune
because lets face it...he bears a big responsibility and he has
to live up to the task

BUt i kno he can do it! Obama passionately cares for America and
now that he is going to be president he will defintely lead us to
the future and towards true democracy and a peaceful and powerful nation

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

thought i share some more with you =]


listen to these they are worth it....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thank You

I truly appreciate the few comments i get. Honestly i dont expect ppl to visit this blog or read it for that matter. But thanks anyway. And thank you for the 1 follower i have lol. The Gorgeous Lynette =]

Saturday, October 18, 2008

No Negro President. McCain and Palin All the Way!!!

Is what these idiots are saying...
Please Take the time to read my opinion after watching this video..thank you and god bless =]

What is the world coming to. Honestly not only is this sheer stupidity and ignorance but shameful and outrageous. I truly felt at first this was misconceptions but now im starting to see its much deeper than that. Its defintely a deep rooted fear among the racists that America may actually have its first coloured president instead of the traditional white one. It amazes me how some Americans can allow and tolerate a stupid president who has lack of sense and a horrible vocabulary or potential Vice President who is blinded by her own way of religion and doesnt know anything about our country and only wishes for her 15 minutes of fame. But apparently having a smart articulate African-American president is just unheard of and is like an unspoken taboo. What about an asian as president, would there be an uproar that America is being taken over by communist! This is just complere bull and hogwash! im truly digusted and im just truly in shocked and totally baffled. First of all. If those people are "misguided" then wtf are the KKK!? I mean its typical that a bunch of closeminded folks who apparently dont have great vocabulary themselves and live in the middle of nowhere, (probably believe in crop circles and wat not) would think so judgingly and be so racist and ignorant. This makes me sick! ugh i cant even begin to fathom such excuses for human beings. Forget the debate on underaged voting...how bout banning people like these from voting. I mean look at these people, they are too old to even function correctly and the young ones probably have no education. And this wud normally be stereotypical but honestly its most defintely true because if these people even could afford televisions and watched every single debate they would realize the McCain and Palin who are so filled with "Holy Spirit", honesty and integrity have yet to really say anything. All they do is point blank attack Obama. And how the hell does Obama and Michelle hate America....clearly if they (excuse my french) fucking paid close attention then they would have heard differently. Michelle clearly said shes happy to be an american for the first time in her life becasue america claims to be home of freedom and equality. But seeing that this video is here...she might need to re-evaluate this so called America of equality and freedom. And this whole terrorist and Arab shit needs to stop. So what? if he Muslim (WHICH HE IS CLEARLY NOT!!!) so what if he has an African father? First of all his mother is the so called "white" that he apparently hates and he was born here in the UNITED STATES, he doesnt pratice the religion and he is a devout Christian. You complete moronic idiots! I can be from Saudi Arabia and unless i freaking practice the religion im not really Islamic (thats my opinion) and even if i did practice the religion that has nothing to do with changing the world for good and helping our country. A name does not determine your religion. Honestly if people like this truly exist its a sad shame.

I am honestly stunned that people can come up with these remarks about Obama. Terrorists? That’s what we used to call Nelson Mandela when his freedom fighters went around blowing things up. But look how much respect Mandela from many all over the world look how he represents true victory towards peace and world unity. Like Honestly many McCain/Palin supporters are using this whole excuse of terrorism and how Obama is tied to William Ayer but im sorry im guessing they forgot that a background check was done on McCain concerning his whole history?! First of all this connection is minor and like it dates back to his childhood (ive done my research, do yours you ignoramous!)But how bout you ask McCain/Palin supporters about his connection to Charles Keating. Do some research there. Honestly Republicans are playing on this whole guilt-by-association game. and what makes these ppl even more fueled into racist comments is the dumb racist herself, Palin. That woman's brain is the equivalent of a damn peanut...no correction half a peanut. The blunt implications by Palin. According to her Obama “launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist.” He is “palling around with terrorists”. Obama is “not a man who sees America the way you and I see America.” Palin manipulates Obama to be an enemy of Americans' Patriotism and American troops. So when asked by people who Obama is, Many republicans reply he is a terrorist. Then they blindly use his middle name Hussein has evidence!!!?? Are you kidding me. My middle name can be Osama for all i care..and i could be mother teresa! you cant blame Obama, he can hardly be held accountable for Ayers’s behavior 40 years ago he was age freaking 8 for goodness sakes, but at least McCain and Palin can be accountable for their brainwashing behavior of their own supporters. so what if he is a muslim/arab/wtc...last time i checked freedom of religion in this country is one of our Constitutional rights…and if he is trying to change the world for the better and bring American back to world power after we have ben reduced to "third world country" statuz then whats the issue. Race has nothing to do with trying to help a country out of debt and turmoil.

It is defintely true with the saying To stay silent is to pour gas on the fires.

The past is the past.And we have clearly seen what the same ignorant ppl voted for for 8 years, and how we are all being affected terribly. Our past mistakes has brought us into the awful present so know the future is at stake. Obama is qualified whether many dare to disbelieve. Mind you its not just because "im black" or "its a big historical event because I have some respect for McCain as well being he does have experience. But Obama is qualified and he brings hope and he truly wants change. And he repeatedly says so without ever once attacking McCain or Palin. However the opposite could be said of this POW and his dick sucking Alaska drillin', animal hunting, religious delusional vice president. Honestly there are some ppl who are voting for McCain and Palin because they believe that they have good ideas and McCain has experience. However in my opinion, McCain i felt may have had a chance but Palin has dragged him down. She is not qualified. No point about it. She is only making big news among many because she is an attractive soccer mom, but she is not suitable to be the leader of a super power considering she has no idea how to maintain and control power. Being a governor of Alaska of all places isnt exactly a big prime example of knowing your politics. She has her own mistakes and issues that are also surfacing. She is a complete oxymoron. Her views are not even articulated well. And all she does is wink and smile and tells you she is just like you. Yes sweetie you may be like us regular Americans but the difference is you might run the country one day. And if you know nothing then really what good is that for US.

Dont think alot of these ignorant , uneducated ,racist and fanatical conservatives in this country forget. Honestly though dont just be appalled and shock like i am. These ppl may be stupid but the difference is that they ALWAYS vote, you cant keep them out of the voting booths every election year. Yes, they are just as delusional and fanatical as the terrorists we are fighting in Iraq but this gives insight on voting. This is why many who can vote shud vote because our country has not evolved intellectually or with any common sense. This is truly all deep rooted stupidity…generation after generation of ignorant people breeding more racism .
We are up against a huge enemy called ignorance and racism. VOTE FOR OBAMA O8'!!! because its is so, SO sad that there are folks out there who can’t see past skin colour.

And this whole blacks and nigger ish needs to stop! There's a difference between black and being a nigger! I for one am black. There are the ones who call each other “nigga” all day, do drugs, thinks its cool to go to jail every other month, love to carry and use weapons and belittle ppl with bullying and would rather "gang bang" instead of get a job and make good use of themselves and succeed. Blacks/African-Americans are totally different. We African-Americans are trying to make good for the world and our families are trying to succeed where racism doesnt want us to succeed. For the record niggas can be either black or white because there are caucasians who also love to carry weapons who love to gang bang innocent women who bully and do drugs. There is no colour boundary for fucking (excuse my french once again) ignorance.

READ THIS ARTICLE ---> learn something!


And remember whether republican or democratic:

MAKE NO MISTAKE, although this video is very heart-wrenching..this is all media. Its emphasizing on brainwash as well. No matter who you vote for, be educated through research, study, listen to the debates over again and take notes, research the candidate's background. Dont listen to commercials paid for by the candidates and articles and/or videos produced by the some media outlets. Get both sides of the story. Know that voting for McCain doesn’t mean that the people in this video gain any type of power. They will think this way regardless of who is in office because they think from their twat.

PS I truly think this is all Palin's fault =/ But COMMENT & TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK??


"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle.
Then I realised God doesn’t work that way, so I stole
one and prayed for forgiveness." - Emo Phillips

Im a religion person by culture and somewhat of my own free will. and i stumbled upon this quote today and it made me think. And I dont know why but i think the quote is very true. and that if gone deeper into depth that it reveals something about humans.

So tell me what do you think?
(even no one really reads this)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Speaking of Be.

Saw this video on there
and i totally loved it as well....
am i weird for that!?


I've Been Following This Blog...

And he recently wrote this poem to his girlfriend in which i thought was truly beautiful....

For I miss your forward
kiss and holding.
This, in whole
is missed if spoken.
These three things
be bliss when true:
Love & I & You.

penned eloquently by be.

And this truly touches me because well, isnt it self explanatory. Its simple and straight to the point but there is just sooooo much thought and love put in this. =]

Currently just doing some homework =]
love you lots Ciao Bella <3

Monday, October 13, 2008

Its Britney Bitch

and She's Back
im so happy she is getting the deserved
comeback she needs. Im glad her father and brother
(the only one in my opinion who arent milking her fame)
are helping her get back on her feet. This new video
is hot and is gonna be a hit. Its very fantastic! lol

Came Upon This..

I'm a happy proud fan of Youtube lol btw
and alot of things catch my eye on this great site

and the funniest thing i came up on that i thought was pretty hilarious
was this particular video. And it made me wonder why guys really do want to do such things to girls...anyone who knows the answer please do tell. But yea its really funny...

I truly love how he tries to justify his request. I mean really. How can you guys try and justify asking for that. Is it that simple for some of you. "so um, can i just do it"? lol

Thursday, October 9, 2008

THanks H.Wood (Simply Beautiful)

Currently on Repeat: Dream WOrld by Robin THicke

So i come across H. WOod's blog and i see Robin Thicke and i dont know bout u but im a big fan of that guy! i mean he is sweetest release to modern old soul if that even made sense lol. This guy is absolutely the spawn of Otis Redding, AL Green and all that beautiful soulful jazz! To some people, this might be too slow or kinda boring. BUt if you truly listen to the words. its beautiful, i just cant describe it. This one person wrote:

"This is deep...the younger generation won't get it because they actually have to listen to it. Music that means something dosent really sell anymore its all about simplicity and repetition"

Personally i dont thnk that is true. at all. Yes songs of nowadays do have repetition and yes some youngins' cant really focus or wrap their brain around something that isnt redundant and about the typical drugs sex and money. lol but it truly is deep and i know there are several out there who truly listen to such music and get that blissful feeling. Take it from someone who enjoys urban art and spoken word especially Def Jam Poetry =] i truly love some soulful deep driven words and its great when it comes with beats. But not to get sidetracked lol im in love with this song. I love hearing something meaningful and worthy. You all need to listen to this beautiful peace

P.S. Please take the time to listen to it! =]

Merry Yom Kippur !

I'm currently thanking all those wonderful Jews for defintely giving me a day off.
So I saw some of the Presidential Debate the other night and i was once again baffled at the fact that McCain just wouldnt stop with the attacks on Obama. I mean honestly your Vice President Sarah Palin isnt good at answering questions at all...so i would think you might want to redeem yourself by for once answering the questions directly but it just wouldnt be possible without somehow attacking Obama on certain things. I know McCain is veteran and apparently this shows experience. But honestly i dont think having experience is the strongest base for a winning election. Especially if you dont have ideas and great solutions to help you. Obama is new to the game but he defintely doesnt act like it. The whole point is to appeal to the audience. We are in the worst that we can possibly be due to the Bush Adminstration, if your policies are similar to Bush's, then your not exactly helping yourself. We cant keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. We used to be on top, if nothing gets done we will be brought down to 'third-world COuntry" status. Something needs to be done and right now McCain your not providing answers..... you need to step ya game up!

Obama 08'

But not that that is done with yes merry yom kippur to you all. Jus here doing a to do list and blogging. planning on organizing my life and my room for that matter. I was really happy yesterday and once again i didnt kno why. I tend to be happy and content for no apparent reason at all. went to bible study and the church's wednesday food drive. I love seeing those in the neighborhood help themselves to some help during this cold time of the year. Its nice to know that there are ppl who still tend to help others. thats what i love about my church. We were trying to figure out how to get some funding for your youth group for trips and what not. really hectic day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Are You Truly Inspired....

Recently i went on to a blog of this well known person. And being that this person had a fan base it was safe to assume, that they followed this person EVERYWHERE! The person in mention is very talented and very intelligent. Down to earth with very ordinary feelings that everyone experiences. I say this for the fact that most would generally think artist in their own given right have nothing interesting or intellectual to say. THey entertain and make their money enough said. BUt its very wrong and stereotypical. These people are just like everyday folks perhaps even better with god given talents and fortunate lives to further develop them. But anyway well his fan base has moved from myspace to blogger, devoted yes, truly inspired...maybe not. I say this with the respect that (i could be wrong), some as usual play the "fan" role and want to ask those pesky questions and annoy. The whole point of blogger is to share experiences that you truly feel are special and worth reading. Is it not? and unfortunately some have been so inspired....i use the word rather sarcastically, to make their own blogs and they write one blog or two and automatically feel the inspiration. Some i must admit have something to say...others however dont. And it sucks because not only are ppl here to share their life experiences but to read upon them too and you dont get that with them.....

Hopefully it will be better

PS: not a fan , just wanted to know the real you and the issues of everyday life you go through....just like me =/

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Obama Influence...

Barack Obama also made an appearance at the Jean-Charles de Castelbajac 2009 ready-to-wear show in Paris, in the form of a sparkling canary yellow dress, complete with "Yes" glove. In the spirit of fairness, the model also wore a "No" glove on the other hand.


here are what some ppl said:

#1 a bit corny for sure..BUT,what does it say when even foreign countrys are excited about the possiblity of Barack Obama as president! The Only tyhing you'd see Bush's face on at this point in any foreign country would be a TARGET practice Brd.. WOOHoo - OBAMA 08!!

#2 i think that obama is going to be the best persint better then that macain guy his just like bush you guys gotta understand that macian want the war and all you people care about it geting something out of it,you dont care about the poeple that are fighting for us there are fathers,husmans,sons over all there are love ones there that are dying for us and familys that loses someone and a child loses a father and woman loses the love of her life and bush said there where boms and what the hell BOMS,AND THINGS? THAT NEVER
are you kidding me he was lying and macain wans to keep it that way and lets not only think about us on the other side people are losing there homes thanks to us so if you CARE if you REALLY CARE about america as much as i do then you should vote obama for presidant and not that old macian guy with a chick who is full with emotions and crap she doesnt know what the latins needs SHE DOESNT KNOW ABOUT THE POOR PEOPLE SHE HAS NEVER LIVED THE POOR LIFE AND SHE DOESNT CARE ABOUT IT! AND A MODEL? WHAT IS SHE GOING TO DO MAKE THE WORLD LOOK PRETTY MAYBE LET IT DO A RUNWAY WITH VINUS?

so next time you old people that are like 90 should shut up because death is right around the coner and for teens like myself or adults pick whats best for other people dont think about yourself if you child was in war youd be freaking out right then imagine the mothers that sons are REALLY in war so please vote for obama and make a change.

p.s im only 12

Friday, October 3, 2008


Just came back from school
happy and light-headed for some reason
idk like im just happy.
Worked on the Yearbook Committee today
and decided to plan a Drama Halloween Party (long story)
and i'm heading out to go do the usual Church Food Drive
which are usually on Wednesday but due to Holiday moved to a Friday
this week.
Happy OCtober and hope you all have a great weekend
god bless =]

Ciao! =]

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Women Empowerment: Gentlemen of the Year I Thank You

I truly love Ne-Yo for this =]

With a strong melody, loads of synths, nice modern but hip beats, these videos truly bring out the hipper more realistic Jane Austens' of our time. Ne-Yo goes on to appreciate how independent women can be and i truly appreciate it. Its a nice step from stereotypical rappers and their use of women as "hoes, gold-diggers or pieces of meat". It amazes how some degrade women to a certain extent and all you can see is these same women "shakin what their momma gave em" But honestly its nice to know beauty also comes WITH brains and a lack of dependence on such things. It is truly a great breath of fresh air from the vulgar, mysogonistic and lust driven mainstream music market and rappers. It speaks truth. This album solidifies NeYo as one of the few male artists whose music is a celebration of women as opposed to a perpetuation of their exploitation. He truly is among many others a genuine gentlemen. And its great to know that men find independent smart intellectual and goal driven women sexy =]

New Video For Ne-Yo "She Got Her Own" Featuring Jamie Foxx And Fabolous. Off His Third Studio Album "Year Of The Gentleman" In Stores Now.

[Jamie Foxx:]
I love her cause she got her own
She don't need mine, so she leave mine alone
There ain't nothing in this world sexy
Than a girl that want but don't need me
Young independent, yea she work hard
But you can tell from the way that she walk
She don't slow down cause she ain't got time
To be complaining, shawty gon shine
She don't expect nothing from no guy
She plays agressive, but she still shy
But you never know her softer side
By lookin in her eyes
No way she can do for herself
Makes me wanna give her my world

Only kinda girl I want
Independent queen workin for her throne
I love her cause she got her own
She got her own
I love her cause she got her own
She got her own
I love it when she say
It's cool I got it, I got it, I got it
I love it when she say
It's cool I got it, I got it, I got it

I love it cause she got her own
She don't need mine, so she leave mine alone
There ain't nothin that's more sexy
Than a girl that want, but don't need me
Lovely face
Nice thick thighs
Plus she got drive that matches my drive
Sexy Thang
She's mcfly
All the while payin the bills on time
She don't look at me like Captain Save Em
Gold Diggin, no she don't do that
Now she lookin me like inspiration
She wanna be complimentin my swag
And everything she got, she work for it, good life made for it
She take pride in sayin that she paid for it

Only kind of girl I want
Independent queen workin for her throne
I love her cause she got her own
She got her own
I love her cause she got her own
She got her own
I love it when she say
It's cool I got it, I got it, I got it
She say
Uh Uh, I got it, I got it, I got it

Don't make me laugh boo
Never did that bad too
Make you even have to
But even if I had to
Ask my better half to
You be more than glad to
When I do that math boo
You always try to add two
I need someone who'd ride for me
Not someone who'd ride for free
She said boy I don't just ride, She'll pull up beside of me
I had to ask her what she doin in that caddy
She said cause you my baby I'd be stuntin like my daddy
And there's not many, who catch my eye
We both wearing gucci, she match my fly
And that's why I, Suppose to keep her closer
Right by the side, toast and to host her
And that she went low so, cause you didn't know so
You can save your money dawg shawty getting dough so
What she care with his cars, you can call her miss boss
I got it backwards, criss cross, shawty got her own

Got her own
I love her cause she got her own
She got her own
I love it when she say
It's cool I got it, I got it, I got it
I love it when she say
Uh Uh, I got it, I got it, I got it

and the much appreciated...

Miss Independent

Ooh its something about just something about the way she moved
I cant figure it out, there's something about her (about her)
Say ooh theres something about,
Kinda women that want you but dont need you
Hey, i cant figure it out, there's something about her
Cuz she walk like a boss, talk like a boss
Manicured nalis, just sent the pedicure off
She's fly effortlessly
Cuz she move like a boss, do what a boss
Do, she got me thinking about getting involved
thats the kinda girl i need

She got her own thing
Thats why i love her
Miss independent
Wont you come and spend a little time
She got her own thing
Thats why i love her
Miss independent
Ooh the way you shine
Miss independent

Hey yeh yeh, yeh yeh, yeh yehhh mmm

Ooh there's something about kinda woman that can do it for herself
I look at her and it makes me proud, there's something about her
there something ooh so sexy about the kinda women that dont even need my help
She says she got it, she got it, no doubt, theres something about her
Cuz she work like the boss, play like the boss
Car and a crib, she about to pay em both off
And her bills are paid on time
She made for a boss, Soley a boss,
Anything less, shes telling em to get lost
Thats the girl that on my mind

She got her own thing
Thats why i love her
Miss independent
Wont you come and spend a little time
She got her own thing
Thats why i love her
Miss independent
ooh the way you shine
Miss independent

Yeh yehhh

Her favourite thing, is to say dont worry i got it
And everything she got, best believe she bought it
She gon' steal my heart, aint no doubt about it,
Girl your everything i need, said your everything i need

She got her own thing
Thats why i love her
Miss independent
Wont you come and spend a little time
She got her own thing
Thats why i love her
Miss independent
Ooh the way you shine
Miss independent
Thats why i love her

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October =]

Its October 1st !
not sure its soothing but yea...
well im a big fan of October and its introduction
to Autumn. Plus this time of the year is quite special to me
food-wise =]

You have Halloween - candy
Thanksgiving- Feasting on TURkey, mash potatoe, stuffing, etc
Cousins' Birthdays- cake lol
Christmas- chicken...pot roast (which ever you prefer..i prefer both)

Plus i just truly love Autumn its that nice mixture of cool crisp breeze
something i defintely enjoy since im a big fan of cold weather. just one step closer to winter and snow!!!

But anywho got this happy feeling bout the month to come
i love october for some reason
Its just there in the midst of calamity
like the calm before the storm...well at least for me.

For some reason always stepping outside during this time of year
is refreshing for me, especially when the leaves begin to fall. At first
the crunching of the leaves truly excites me (a loser i kno) its pathetic but true lol. im a big kid at heart when it comes to that. THen when the rain hits
and it gets damp..that a whole new feeling. Its all just fresh. Central Park is just beautiful this time of the year.

Happy October everyone
God Bless <3

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Obsession #235: Urban Art

Those who contribute to my obsession with their passion...i thank you lol
especially Banksy, you are truly amazing.

Banksy- Banksy is a well-known pseudo-anonymous British graffiti artist. He is believed to be a native of Yate, South Gloucestershire, near Bristol and to have been born in 1974, but there is substantial public uncertainty about his identity and personal and biographical details. His artworks are often-satirical pieces of art on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics. His street art, which combines graffiti writing with a distinctive stencilling technique.





Saw some things that interested me...

so i thought you might like em' too =] enjoy and while ur looking at the pics enjoy this nice cover of I NEed U Bad cover done by this youtuber. She is very talented and like i would totally love if u go to her youtube page and watch and listen to her other videos =] much appreciated

god bless






Relaxing on a Tuesday Afternoon...

no school today. god bless!
just downloaded a favorite video of mine
Lackawanna Blues. an all time favorite by the way
I'm a total movie buff, its rather scary. And i just
felt this whole new uprising in me. Yesterday was
beyond crazy. I mean crazy is truly an understatement. I
had a small verbal fight with a friend of mine. Not sure if she truly
was a friend, i just feel she is always putting me down
but must move on, can not dwell on the past. Watching some youtube
videos. I love hearing ppl sing on youtube. Those that are undiscovered
some ppl are truly truly talented. Anyway just thought i shud share what
I am doing right now. Bout to read some fanfiction. =]
love you all and god bless

Ciao Bella <3

Thursday, September 25, 2008

WANTED: Friend?

Currently doing English homework at this hour...someone kill me please lol. Multitasking though (talking on AIM) and i cant help but question people. My circle as i once said i had and then sadly reduced to a dot, is no more. Or at least i think so. I am always a true friend in my perspective, a kind one at heart and a sensitive one by nature. But to say the same about others is rather rare for me, because in my own experience, I'm at a certain point in life where it is said to choose your friends wisely. And for some reason i keep making the same mistakes. I'm not sure what i am doing wrong and it hurts because i get hurt repeatedly by the same people. But i cant help but be lured to the same promises of friendship. In high school....friendship, true genuine friendship is rare.

WANTED: good friend possibly a stranger or past associate...i do not know...i do not care. Someone to laugh with and create insiders with. Someone that no matter what we be there for me, like i am there for them <3

Monday, September 8, 2008

My Circle of Friends...Is Just A Dot

Just got back from school. super hectic day but yea
anywho, realized something to day. Friends are a funny kind to have. You have associates, close friends, best friends, friends, wateva u wanna call em, u got em. and i have always been a social person. so i kno i had lots of friends....or so i thought. first of all, school i have always said is a mini replica of the outside world. you will encounter haters and fakes that will always at any time try and put you down. Its sad but its the truth. And i have had my own share of that put down. Girls always hated me because i was apparently "teacher's favorite" or because i hung out with the guys that they liked. I mean all this nonsense. And when all this happened, thats when these so called friends, these girls took off their masks. Once people start to show the you their real selves thats when you have to make a decision in life. I have decided that this year i am going to cut off people in my life who truly arent there for me, who could care less what affects me. I care for people to much and i try to love and help everyone, but im repeatedly betrayed and let down. It sucks lol but it happens. But this time im going to help myself for once and cut out these "friends" and create my inner circle, my life, my family. Take for example today in school where its survival of the fittest. This one girl who i personally feel feeds on attention, brought herself into a conversation that she was clearly not invited to. And began to make rude comments in which i felt was inappropiate and down right disgusting to say bout the people who have done nothing to her. This girl who is clearly vain hangs out with sidekicks. The three of them make the nastiest group i can ever see girls create. They talk about everyone around and they truly feel they are beyond beautiful. Mind you! its one thing to be confident and beautiful, its another to be vain, conceited and with an ugly personality. Dont get me wrong they are pretty. There is some truth to that. HOwever with their attitude, its easy to say that you can find the ugly in a person. Anyway, this girl along with her friends has spoken ill of me towards many people and even brainwashed some to think i was at fault on certain things. they made it impossible to be in school and not suffer drama. They found drama fun. I dont find drama fun. I find it a waste of time and a immature excuse to be social.

You would think that i'd skip school by now and work at Mickey D's but i have survived this awful journey of high school so far by sticking to this certain "circle" i have formed with the most amazing people in my life. One person in this circle has truly kept me alive through all these hard times. and that is why she is my best friend. We met each other in the beginning of High School 9th grade orientation. But since then, she's seen me at my worst and my happiest. She has been there through thick and thin. We have countless of inside jokes that no matter how old we may get will always be funny. We even had certain eye signals to each other to tell each other how cute the guy sitting across from us was! This girl i would I.M. everyday and we'd talk for hours on end. Sometimes bout our future and the random crap we wanted to do and the crazy husbands we would marry. She was the person you could always count on to tell a secret and you knew she would never tell a soul.

Within the same school
there are two types of people
the bitch
and the good friend

sometimes its hard and tempting
but in the end that good friend
becomes a best friend and
thats all you need to survive
in fact i dont think its even a circle
its really just her....my dot
lol and im fine with that

Saturday, September 6, 2008


That word...i have such mixed feelings bout that word. Here i am doing this homework and blogging. clearly i cant stick to it that long lol. Well I go to a school that unfortunately doesnt believe in the idea of summer all year round. Its a rigourous hardworking school and its challenging. But still too much homework in mine opinon. Each day i have about four 1 hour 25 minute classes and two 45 minute classes (lunch and elective). And each class comes with an hour to 30 minute homeworks. I go to school in the city (some who dont know manhattan) but i live in Queens (another borough) i wake up at earliest 5 a.m. and come back at least 12 hours later at 5 p.m. (thats if i dont have tutoring or extracurricular activities). Its almost heart wrenching but alas....they say and i have come to accept. that it is truly worth it. Good Education is a must for me. I want to succeed in life and nowadays a good education truly helps get u up there. This year as a junior in high school my schedule goes as followed:

A Days

English (American Short Stories)
Physical Education/ Physics Laboratory
Drama Elective
Lunch Break
German Level 5
Pre-Calc/ Calculus

B Days

Digital Electronics
American History
Drama Elective
Lunch Break
Principle of Engineering
Physics Lecture

After the Bell Rings....
Tiredness =/

4 -5 years from now
Happiness Hopefully <3

so in conclusion....Homework...how i hate thee....yet thou cannot say
to the extent in which i hate thee...that thou love thee just the same. ugh!
Now on to my Principle Egineering Homework =[


Ok so i just finished creating this blog. Im very proud of myself...i am not very tech savvy. Everyone, left and right has been creating their own blogs and i've always wanted to make one. However, i never get to it, whether its something holding me back or time in general. But i have finally done one. I always like to vent out what im currently thinking of listening to or even watching and its nice to know i can do that here. and if people appreciate than kudos to me. In fact i think what made me create it just now was the fact that i stumbled upon a well known artist teyana taylor's blog. the girl is talented! i mean alreadii at such a young age, she has succeeded where most can only dream. At to my surprise she had a blogger. And as i read her post i truly loved her own thoughts on things and her personal views and how random things made her life. And i thought maybe i shud start to do that. God knows, no one has the time to really stand in front of me and listen to me ramble (my friends have tried....its ok i completely understand). So here's the gist. I will type exactly whats on my mind. and hopefully you shall enjoy. =] And on the side i shall post links to certain things that catch my eyes or even things i love to read and maybe you might like to read (e.g. fanfiction...certain book reviews)